Beyond the smart city: The People's Roadmap towards
Open Data & Participation
The Barcelona Digital Plan, co-created with the city’s innovation ecosystem for rethinking the smart city, aims to transcend its merely technological objectives, to rethink a smart city that serve its citizens. At the core of the Barcelona’s model there is a large scale participatory experiment powered by a digital participatory platform, Decidim that taps into the collective intelligence of citizens to create policies that better respond to their needs. It is built with free software and guarantees personal privacy and public transparency in a way commercial platforms don’t. We used Decidim to create the government agenda over 70 per cent of the proposals come directly from citizens.
Our Digital Gov Plan outlines new directives that put citizens first; establish the use of agile methods for ICT projects and advocate for technological sovereignty
Focus on Open & Transparent Digitalisation by Ethical Digital Standards, open source software and Manifesto in Favour of Technological Sovereignty (