This notion page provides you with the necessary information to run your own circle, participate in events and offers quick access to all resources for the 10x100 Day Action Alliance.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Circles
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Events
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Knowledge Base
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Open Resources
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Framework
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 Channels
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10x100 DECISIVE DAYS 2022 till 2025, paving the way toward net zero emissions before 2030
WHY: Humanity is at an unprecedented crossroads - you can decide NOW to move in a regenerative direction or miss this opportunity with fatal consequences. Few public institutions are able to translate current scientific knowledge into socially-robust policies on a planetary scope.
HOW: Sustainability means to reduce carbon emissions to zero and decelerate the depletion of natural resources remarkably across all sectors, ensuring a peaceful reorganisation of human activity within planetary boundaries.
WHAT: 10x100 invites people working in and with the public policy landscape to use their influence to stop the destruction of our livelihoods – now and during the coming decisive 10x100 days.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 10% TRANSITION DEDICATION with 6 meeting hours of minimum commitment for 100 days and more
WHY: Most of us are privileged enough to decide, to a certain extent, how we want to spend our resources and capacities. It’s time for a shift.
HOW: The 10x100 Day Action Alliance operates in self-organised circles that can be started together or asynchronously, repeated several times. These small circles are run in parallel, led by circle conveners who invite a few partners to a 100-Day Learn Act Loop. The small circles are supported by collective monthly gatherings.
WHAT: 10x100 is an invitation to dedicate 10% or more of your monthly working time to shift the systemic dial with people who disruptively influence mainstream public policies across the world.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> 100-DAY LEARN ACT LOOPS for coordinated alignment with workspace away from inertia towards impact
WHY: Small steps can address large challenges. We all have questions and ideas. We all know how difficult it is to leave our comfort zone; how easy it is to be caught in excuses, doubt and fear.
HOW: In order to deal with complexity, graspable time frames and intentional steps are essential for navigating uncertainty. Each 100-Day Learn Act Loop offers an engaging workspace for continuous learning and assessment.
WHAT: 10×100 provides a minimum viable structure for crisis learning and leadership that connects good decision practice, coordinates strategic opportunities, and leverages explorative pathways. Reflective honesty and radical possibilities translate into real consequences.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Worth our time: There is a need and opportunity to leverage our work strategically by mutually reinforcing it. Systemic Creativity and Open Cooperation can be enhanced if diverse activities are purposefully connected.
Every contribution is appreciated.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Dedicated engagement matters: Finding more effective ways from why to how, includes being radically transparent about what is not working and being open to new ways of combining our knowledge and our actions.
Earnest commitment is key.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Privacy is valued: Emerging insights will be made available to all Alliance Members, anonymously. Our work will be done under Creative Commons, based on the Chatham Rule, unless otherwise decided.
Open Source is encouraged.
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